Destiny Christian Academy Enrollment Information

Historic Overview of the School

  • East Rand Christian Academy (NPC) acts as the mother Company (“Mother Company”) for Destiny International Academy (Grade 10 – 12), Destiny Christian Academy (Grade R to 9), Destiny Kidz Creche (2 – 5 year olds) and Cornerstone @ Boksburg – Christian Institute of Higher Education and was established in the eighties by the Leadership of Fountain of Life Church through the instruction and leading of the Holy Spirit.
  • Fountain of Life Church, through the school, recognizes God’s injunction to “Train up a child in the way he should go and he shall not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). God has thus given us a mandate and an instruction to educate and train our children (Deut. 6:1-9, Eph. 6:4), not only in the facts and information required in this present technological age, but also, and more importantly, our children need an impartation of Godly wisdom.
  • Education in South Africa started in its earliest form as an outflow of the Church and had a distinct Christian character. Paul Kruger started schooling in South Africa with The Bible as the only handbook. Over the years this character has been pushed more and more into the background by the worldly system. East Rand Christian Academy is the outward expression of the desire of Fountain of Life Church to make available to the children of the community a Bible-based Quality and Christian educational system.
  • In the eighties Ps. Jan de Rouwe travelled to the states to investigate the A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education) program. The leadership of the church approved the program and the school was started.
  • Parents that want to enroll their children at the school need to understand that the school, through the directives from the church, will promote a Christ like character, discipline and living standards together with academic excellence when working with the children. It is of the utmost importance that the same standards and characters are practiced and encouraged at home. Conflicting standards at home and at school will develop behavioural problems in the child. For this reason the school will conduct interviews and background checks on families that would want to enroll their children.
  • It is also important that the parents take the time to understand the curriculum and the ACE system, as it differs completely from the traditional schooling system we as parents are accustomed to.


  • The objective in operating an independent Christian community school is to obey the Scriptural imperatives of Deuteronomy 6:5-7 “… love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.  And these words, which I command you today, shall be in your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your children …”.
  • Teaching is training. Training for life must include training for eternity.
  • A school is an extension of the home in training young people in a Christian environment for life and eternity. The school staff works closely with parents to train the whole child – body, mind, soul and spirit.
  • Enrolment at this school is a privilege and not a right. The goal of this school is not to reform, but to train Christian youth so that their every ability is in the highest principles of Christian leadership, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity and good citizenship.
  • This school stands, without apology, for the Gospel and the highest standards of morality and Christian behavior.


  • East Rand Christian Academy t/a Destiny Christian Academy, is an independent Christian community academy located on the premises of Fountain of Life Church.
  • Destiny Christian Academy (the school) is non-denominational, but learners, parents and staff are expected to belong to, and regularly attend, a Bible-believing Christian Church. Although this is not a school for Christians only we ONLY teach and promote Christian principles as ascribed in the Bible.
  • The School is registered as a Section 21 Company and also as a Non Profit Organization (NPO).
  • The overall governance of the school is vested in the Executive Committee, consisting of the Board of Directors (“Directors”) appointed by the church to manage the Mother Company.
  • The Directors may appoint Parent/Student Support Groups and other Committees as and when required.
  • The Directors appoint a Management Team to take responsibility of the day-to-day operations of the school – this may include a Principal, Administrator, Deputy Principal, Heads of Departments and students.
  • The Directors report and give account to the leadership of Fountain of Life Church. The church gives direction and the mandate to the Directors.

Vision & Mission Statement

Our mission is to:

  • Produce independent, self-disciplined, self-controlled, responsible, determined and reasoning young adults. Further to this, but not second to it, we aim to engender in our pupils a deep respect and love for our Creator and His Word through Christ-centred, Bible-based and excellent academic education.
  • Well within the above framework, we will strive to produce well educated pupils, equipped to enjoy fruitful progress in a satisfying life.
  • Provide our pupils and community with the best educational equipment and methods available.
  • We endeavour to help those in need – whether it’s academically, morally or physically, if at all possible in our general scope of duty.
  • “The WISDOM from above is first PURE then PEACEABLE, GENTLE, REASONABLE, full of MERCY, and GOOD FRUITS, UNWAVERING…” We are called to lay foundation in our children’s lives that will stand firm in every storm. Paul said “THE FOUNDATION… IS JESUS CHRIST.” We will seek to lay foundations in our children resulting in intimate love-relationships with Jesus; teach them to know who they are, and what they can do in Christ Jesus; enable them to discover their authority in Christ Jesus; bring them into a revelation that God’s WORD is the final authority in their lives.

Statement of Faith

  • We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as verbally inspired of God and inherent in the original writings and that they are the Word of God and the final authority in faith and conduct.
  • We believe in one God, the Creator of all things and man; externally in three Persons, in a threefold relationship, that of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the perfect unity of the Godhead and the three persons therein.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and is God in flesh, the God man.
  • We believe man was created in the image of God.  Man sinned, and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also spiritual death which is separation from God.   Adam’s sin was imputed to the whole race of mankind, and all human beings are born with a sinful nature, and in case of those who reach the state of moral responsibility, become sinners before God in thought, word and deed.
  • We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins (the sins of all men) according to the scripture as a substitutionary sacrifice, and that all that believe in Him and confess Him as Lord are freely justified and stand before God accepted in the character and merit of Jesus Christ.
  • We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, in His ascension into Heaven.   Christ is Head of the Church, Lord of the individual believer, High Priest over the house of God and the Advocate in the family of God.
  • We believe in the personal, imminent and premillennial second coming of Christ, first to receive his own to Himself and later to set up His earthly kingdom and to reign over redeemed Israel and all nations of the world; that is to bring peace and blessings to the whole world.
  • We believe that God is the spiritual Father only to those who trust His Son, Jesus Christ, as Saviour; that only those saved through faith in Christ are spiritual brethren.
  • Baptism in water by immersion is essential to fulfill the commandment of Jesus Christ, as soon as possible following the experience of salvation so we may die to sin as we are buried in baptism and also walk in the newness of life as we are resurrected in His likeness by exercise of our will and confession our faith.
  • The baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire (distinct from the new birth) as evidenced by speaking in a new tongue and is essential to be empowered from on high into the service of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper, the partaking of the fruit of the vine and the bread, in fellowship and union of the Spirit as observance of the Lord’s death until He comes. It shall only be taken after careful examination and exacting judgment on ourselves lest we do so unworthily and fail to discern the purpose of our place and condition in the Body of Christ.
  • All of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, as manifested in the First Apostolic Church, are still relevant today for the edification, exhortation and growth of the Body of Christ until He returns.
  • That every believer, born again and endued with power, be encouraged to follow the commission of the Lord Jesus Christ to go into all the world, making disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, teaching them all things as He commanded us to do. That miraculous signs may fully be expected following the Spirit anointed teaching and preaching of such believers. Also that by the power of the Holy Spirit, the sick shall recover through the ministration of the believer by laying on of hands, praying in faith and anointing of oil.
  • We believe healing is provided for in the atonement and is an inherited benefit of all believers.


  • Parents are responsible for the total development of their children into adulthood.   Due to the pressures of our modern society the local church has a significant role to play in supporting parents in training their children and for this reason a Pastor’s Recommendation is required as a condition of enrolment.
  • The Christian school and its staff see their role as being an extension of the parents during school hours and enforcing discipline agreed between parents and teachers.
  • Parents are expected to ensure that their children have a satisfactory place to do their homework and that tasks are completed on time.
  • Parents are also expected to ensure that their children are smartly dressed in the full and correct school uniform and that they are dropped off and fetched from school at the right times.
  • Parents are responsible for paying the set fees at the required time.
  • Parents are required to attend Parent Orientation and Parent/Staff meetings.
  • Parents are required to talk regularly with the child’s teachers to review progress and to deal with any other matters that may arise from time to time.

Education and Curriculum

  • Destiny Christian Academy is committed to meet all the requirements of the South African National Curriculum (CAPS) while providing a solid educational program from grade 0 to grade 12.
  • The school uses the ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) programme as the primary source of curriculum materials.
  • The ACE programme has been and is constantly being adapted to comply with the changes in the South African National Curriculum, with local materials for subjects such as Geography, History, Afrikaans and Business Economics. It complies with the required assessment standards and specific outcomes of the Revised National Curriculum Statements.
  • ACE (SA) currently has 4 school exit certificates that are SAQA accredited:
  • School of Tomorrow Grade 12 College Entrance Certificate with exemption equivalence.
  • School of Tomorrow Grade 12 College Entrance Certificate without exemption equivalence.
  • School of Tomorrow Grade 12 General Course.
  • School of Tomorrow Vocational Preparatory Certificate.

As from 2016, the ICCE Certificate Curriculum will become the new Exit Certificate Curriculum for students starting with Grade 9.

  • Aftercare facilities are provided, up to 19:00.   If aftercare is required please indicate in Section 5.
  • Sports coaching and extra murals will be offered based on demand.

What is A.C.E and School of Tomorrow

  • The School of Tomorrow was birthed in 1970 in U.S.A and was introduced in South Africa in 1984.   There are schools worldwide and over 400 in South Africa.
  • The programme is individualised, allowing each learner to work at his/her own level of achievement, which may vary from subject to subject.
  • Learners work in combined text/activity workbooks called “PACEs”.
  • Each grade level typically consists of 12 Paces per subject in 6 or 7 subjects. Therefore a year’s work should be in the vicinity of 72-84 Paces, although there will be less for grade 1.
  • At senior levels there is a wide choice of elective subjects and non-pace courses which can be studied in addition to the core “major” subjects.
  • The effectiveness of the program is a result of it being structured around the following five principles – known as the 5 laws of learning:
  • Level– each learner working at a level where he can perform.
  • Goals– daily and longer-term goals set by the learner with the guidance of the supervisor.
  • Controls and motivations– the rules, disciplines and procedures which ensure successful learning and develop Christian character and leadership qualities in the learner.
  • Measurement– regular self-checking and correcting of answers; checkups; self-tests and PACE tests – all help the learner and the supervisor to measure progress and to obtain feedback that learning is taking place.
  • Rewards– recognition and privileges awarded for diligence, Christian character etc.

Graduates from schools using the ACE system continue to excel at university. Scores of graduates from schools using the ACE system of education are excelling in their studies at over 23 tertiary institutions in South Africa, dispelling a common misconception that students graduating from schools using the ACE system are not able to gain access to tertiary institutions. The current CEC/Grade 12 certificates issued are acknowledged Nationally as well as Internationally (Issued and SAQA acknowledged until July 2019).

As from 2016, the ICCE Curriculum (comparable to the CIE curriculum) will be pursued and the International ICCE certificate will be the Exit Certificate for our Grade 12 in the years to come (After 2019).

Admission Policy and Procedures

  • The school is for young people from Pre-school to grade 12. As such, all learner candidates must have at least one God-fearing parent or guardian. Children of non-Christians may be admitted should the Principal, in consultation with the Board of Directors, consider it appropriate in the circumstances.
  • No learner candidate will be refused admission on the grounds of race and/or gender.
  • A learner candidate may be refused admission if, in the opinion of the Principal or academic staff, the learner is unlikely to be able to cope with the methodology or procedures of the A.C.E. program or the disciplined environment.
  • In order to gain entrance to the school, learners will normally be required to write Diagnostic Tests (grade 2 upwards.)  A learner seeking entrance to grade 1 will be subject to the Reading Readiness Test. The grade level into which a learner is admitted will be based on the test results. A transfer learner from another A.C.E. school may not need to write tests, at the discretion of the Principal and/or relevant HOD.
  • Learners are subject to at least a one term probationary period.
  • All learners must have undergone all the necessary immunizations and be free of contagious diseases.
  • At least one parent of every learner will be required to attend Parent Orientation; failing to do so may result in the cancellation of the acceptance of learners by the school.
  • Registration fees are payable within 7 days of acceptance for a learner in the school.
  • Unless a calendar month’s notice in writing is given of the intention to remove a pupil from the school, the school fees for the calendar month following the removal of the learner will be payable by the parents.
  • Learners must reside with at least one parent or guardian who takes daily responsibility for the learner’s academics.
  • The Board reserves the right of admission of learners to the school.
  • The school has a re-enrolment policy whereby, on an annual basis, parents sign their recommitment to support the schoo.
  • Please note that a learner may be refused re-enrolment on grounds of misbehavior, lack of parental support, or non-payment of fees.


  • Parents/guardians wishing to register a child at the school are required to attend an interview with their child present; this can be arranged through the school Office.
  • If the interview proves mutually favourable, a date is set for the child to write the Diagnostic Tests.
  • No child is registered unless their parents/guardian and the child agree in writing to support and comply with the rules and policies of the school.

Important: Appropriate forms are in section 5 of this document or available from the school Office.

Financial Policy

Destiny Christian Academy is run on corporate governance principles which include strict financial controls.

  • Tuition fees, aftercare fees, and extramural fees are payable monthly in advance from January to November (i.e. for 11 months).   Invoices and statements will be sent out by the 1st of every month and the full account is payable by the 7tht of the month. NB:  This includes holiday months
  • On the 7th of the month if any fees have not been paid, you will be sent a reminder and an administration fee of R100 will be added to your account. Immediate settlement will be expected. Your child may be suspended until the account is paid up to date.
  • If the account is not settled by the date of the next statement (30 day account) your statement will reflect the overdue balance plus interest at 1% above the current Prime Interest Rate as stipulated by the South African Reserve Bank from time to time, in addition to the following months fees and charges for Paces of the previous month.
  • If payments are still in arrears by the 7th of the following month you will be sent a letter notifying you that the account will be handed over to our appointed lawyers for collection and you will be billed a further R250 for this administration expense.
  • If it has become necessary to hand your account over for collection, any and all administrative and collection costs charged by the debt collectors, will also be for your account.
  • If you have a query on your account, do not withhold or delay the required regular payments!

Important: If you experience financial difficulties the onus is on you the parent to submit a written explanation (before the penalties are enacted) stating the details of the situation and the proposed plan for debt repayment. Please address your letter to “The Board of Directors, Destiny Christian Academy” and it will be tabled for consideration at the next Board meeting.   Destiny Christian Academy is committed to provide the best education, in line with an affordable fee structure.

  • As an approved merchant, we can facilitate Credit Card payments.

The fee structure will incorporate the following;

  • Diagnostic Testing Fees

A fee is payable to cover the cost of testing a child and the subsequent follow-up interviews and administration. This is not refundable.

  • Registration Fees

A registration fee is payable when a child is registered for the first time. This fee covers the working capital costs of initial curriculum materials as well as providing a capital contribution towards the cost of learner furniture and equipment. Registration fees are not refundable.

  • Tuition Fees

Tuition fees are payable monthly in advance for the first 11 months of the year. Fees which are paid in advance for the full year will be subject to a discount of 5% (only applicable to the tuition fee and not to other fees e.g. PACE or computer costs) if paid up by the end of January.
A 10% per month discount applies to the Tuition fees of the  2nd, 3rd or more children from the same household.

  • Aftercare Fees

Aftercare fees are payable monthly in advance for the first 11 months of the year for regulars.
For pre-arranged non-regulars a daily rate is charged.  This facility is only available to children attending Destiny Christian Academy

  • Monthly Charges

A monthly charge will be levied for PACES and will be show on monthly statements.

Because students do not always complete the same amount of PACE’s every month this amount will fluctuate from month to month.

  • Student Convention

High school learners are required to attend 2 All Africa Student Conventions to qualify for a Grade 12 certificate.  Facilitation and staff support (at school) for Convention are included in the fees but attendance of Convention and transport to the venue of the Convention are extra costs.

Important: The fee structure for School Year is in section 3 of this document.

Learner Supplies

Each learner is required to have the following items at school at all times.

  • Bible – King James, New King James, NIV or NAS versions are all acceptable
  • Dictionary (English) – paperback is acceptable, Oxford Concise is recommended
  • Blue ballpoint pen
  • Pencils – 2 required at all times, or clutch pencil with extra leads
  • Colouring pencils – assortment
  • Examination pad (A4)
  • Eraser
  • Ruler
  • Sharpener
  • Small box for supplies.

High school learners are also required to have:

  • Compass
  • Protractor
  • Scientific Calculators. (For Math’s PACE 1075 and up.)

Important: Items may be left in the individual learners’ offices, at their own risk, or brought to school on a daily basis.

Grade One Stationery Requirements

The following iterms of stationery are required for your child at the beginning of Grade One:

1x         Large Space Case

1x         30cm Shatterproof ruler

2x         Staedtler eraser large (app. 60mm x 20mm)

2x         Blue Pens

8x         HP pencils good quality preferably Staedtler (1 set per term)

2x         Box colouring pencils (long pencils – 12’s)

1x         One hole steel sharpener good quality

1x         Box retractable (roll-up) crayons

2x         Large Pritt glue stick (40g)

1x         Bottle Wood glue (120ml)

1x         Pair of scissors small  – if your child is lefgt handed 1x pair of left handed scissors

4x         Box of tissues (per year)

1x         Magazine holder to store PACES in for the student’s office

4x         A4 – 72 page feint and margin exercise books (covered with brown paper with  your child’s name)

1x         Homework diary (to be bought at the school office R25.00

1x         Plastic envelope (for newletters)

Important: The above items of stationery must be marked with your child’s name, and sent to school on the first day of school.  Please remember that stationery is not everlasting and some of it will need to be replaced on a regular basis; at least at the start of each new term.


  • The school follows the Gauteng Department of Education terms and holidays.
  • A note from the parents is required for any absence from school. Learners absent for more than 2 days must bring a doctor’s note on their return. Special permission may be given for a child to miss school in the case of a family bereavement, provided parents make arrangements through the school office. Government ordinances disallow permission being granted for children to miss school in order to accompany parents on holiday, to assist with tasks at home or for any other reason.     Consistent absence could result in expulsionl.  (more than 10 days a term)
  • ACE Progress Reports are completed and collected by parents 4 times a year at the end of each school term.
  • Registered learners are required to attend school each day. Illness or involvement in school-related activities are the only valid reasons for absence from school.


  • In the A.C.E. program the responsibility for academic achievement is placed on the learners.  However, the supervisor will ensure that learners are progressing at an acceptable rate linked to their ability. A primary learner who works effectively in the learning centre should not require doing an excessive amount of homework. For senior learners, who are working towards achieving their target graduation date, homework should be regarded as the norm.
  • Homework is recorded in the learner’s homework diary.

Important: Please check that the specified work has been completed and sign your child’s homework diary daily!

School Uniform


SUMMER                                                                      WINTER

Navy  Blue knee length shorts                                  Navy blue tracksuit pants

Navy blue DCC golf shirt                                            Navy blue long sleeved round neck sweater

Navy socks                                                                   Navy socks

Plain takkies                                                                 Navy dry-mac or warm navy tracksuit pants


SUMMER                                                                      WINTER

Shorts – Grey                                                                Trousers – Grey

Long socks- Grey                                                         Long socks- Grey

Short sleeve shirt – Yellow                                         Long-sleeve shirt – Yellow

Sleeveless school jersey – Navy blue                       Long-sleeve jersey – Navy blue

Drymac – Navy blue                                                    Drymac – Navy blue

Winter & Summer: Black lace up shoes, black belt and navy blue school jersey.

Sport: Navy blue shorts (knee length) and navy blue golf shirt (white for cricket) or Navy blue tracksuit, white takkies and white socks. Navy blue sports bag.


SUMMER                                                                      WINTER

School dress – Blue check                                         Trousers (Slax) – Grey

Ankle socks – Navy blue/white                                             OR

Sleeveless school jersey – Navy blue                       Skirt – Light blue

Long sleeve shirt – Yellow

Drymac – Navy blue

Knee length socks – Grey or tights – Navy blue

Long-sleeve V-neck jersey – Navy blue

Winter & Summer: Black school shoes with strap and navy blue school jersey.

Sport: Navy blue shorts (knee length) and navy blue golf shirt or Navy blue tracksuit, white takkies and white socks. Navy blue sports bag.


SUMMER                                                                      WINTER

School Blazer – Navy                                                   School Blazer – Navy

School tie                                                                      School tie

Trousers – Grey                                                            Trousers – Grey

Long socks- Grey                                                         Long socks- Grey

Short sleeve shirt – Powder blue                              Long sleeve shirt – Powder blue

Sleeveless school jersey – Navy blue                        Long sleeve jersey – Navy blue

Drymac – Navy blue (when raining)                          Drymac – Navy blue

Blazer: Badges available from school

Winter & Summer: Black lace up shoes, black belt and navy blue school jersey.

Sport: Navy blue shorts (knee length) and navy blue golf shirt (white for cricket) or Navy blue tracksuit, white takkies and white socks. Navy blue sports bag.


SUMMER                                                                      WINTER

School Blazer – Navy (13 years and up)                   School Blazer – Navy (13 years and up)

Short sleeve open neck shirt – powder blue           Long sleeve shirt – Powder blue

School skirt – light blue                                               School skirt – light blue

Sleeveless jersey – Navy blue                                     Long sleeve V-neck jersey – Navy

Ankle socks – White                                                      School tie

Blazer: Badges available from school                       Tights – Navy blue

Trousers (Slax) – Grey

Long Gray socks with trousers

Winter & Summer: Black school shoes with straps and navy blue school jersey. Navy/White hair accessories and gold/silver sleeper/stud – 1 per ear (1st hole)

Sport: Navy blue shorts (knee length) and navy blue golf shirt or Navy blue tracksuit, white takkies and white socks. Navy blue sports bag.   (Golf shirts available from the school)

Dress Code: Dress length to mid-knee or two fingers from the floor when kneeling. Dresses must be the correct size.


Important: The wearing of correct school uniform is not optional. Parents are asked to ensure that learners come to school neatly and correctly dressed, and that regulation sports kit is brought to school when they have P.T. Please check with school if not sure.

ALL other sport attire worn in competitions are sponsored and washed by the school.

Items of uniform are obtainable from RECEPTION at Destiny CA. All orders are payable in ADVANCE and high quality branded clothing are supplied to parents at cost. All items not available at Destiny can be obtained from PEP Stores (Student Prince) or from; The Peephole  |  75 Market Streets.  Boksburg  |  Tel: (011) 892-4060.

Important: All items of clothing and bags need to be clearly labelled with the child’s name and THE SCHOOL LOGO WILL BE DONE ON CLOTHING supplied BY THE SCHOOL AT AN EXTRA COST.

Unlabeled lost property that is not claimed by the end of each term will be donated to our swop shop.

School Rules

The basic truths and values behind all school rules are as follows:

  • Love and respect for God and obedience to His commandments
  • Love and respect for other people; children and adults.
  • Providing a peaceful and efficient environment for learning
  • Creating a good impression with visitors and neighbours of the school
  • Christ-like behavior and attitudes at all times.
  • Pride in your country of residence and obedience to its laws.

School hours:    Grades 1- 2:      8:00am – 13:30pm
Grades 3 – 12:   8:00am – 14:00pm

Nursery School and Grade 0:   8:00am  –  12:20pm
Learners are to be at the school at least 5 minutes before the normal starting time. They are expected to be off the school grounds 30 minutes after school ends, unless they have some special reason for remaining longer. Should you not collect your child on time at Aftercare an extra amount will be added to your account for every hour or part thereof that you are late, covering the overtime cost of working staff.

  • Punctuality:  Punctuality is a life skill we try to teach our learners; therefore tardiness will receive disciplinary action. If your child is late for a legitimate reason, please make a note in his/her homework diary. Learners are to respond promptly to bells.
  • Litter:   Littering of the school yard and premises is unacceptable. All waste materials must be put in the bins provided. Food scraps should either be taken home or wrapped in a paper or plastic bag before they are discarded. Learners are expected to be proactive in picking up litter that they come across.
  • Unauthorized objects:  Learners are not to bring to the school any object, artifact, literature or any other thing not directly required for their schooling, except by special permission from a member of staff.
  • Vandalism:  Learners are not to write on or in any way disfigure or damage any part of the school building or furniture, nor to unnecessarily mark, write in or destroy any text book or other resource material on loan from the school. In the event of materials being lost or damaged, parents will be billed for such items.
  • Respect for other’s belongings:  No learner is to interfere with another learner’s belongings or sit in their office without permission.
  • Learning Centers & classrooms out of bounds:  No learner is allowed in the learning centers without a staff member present. As a general rule Learning Centers are out of bounds before and after school and during breaks.
  • Sickness:  Learners who feel ill should first tell their supervisor who will determine appropriate action. If a learner needs to leave school before the end of the school day parents are required to sign them out – a register is kept at reception.
  • Permission to leave the class:  Any learner who needs to see the principal or other staff members must first get permission from their supervisor/monitor.
  • Use of cell phones:  Learners may not use the school phone except in an emergency and then not without permission from the school office.  All private calls will be charged.  Cell phone usage and or possession are prohibited at school. Cell Phones must be left at home and all phones found on students (used or not) will be confiscated.
  • Speech:  The way we speak is a serious matter. Jesus said that “every idle word that a person speaks, they shall give account for in the day of judgement“. Learners are expected to guard their own speech and encourage others to do the same.

As a guide, please understand that the following types of speech will not be tolerated at the school:

  • Gossip about others and rumour mongering/slander.
  • Unkind, negative or destructive speech about others, either in front or behind their backs.
  • Foul or blasphemous language.
  • Fighting:  Any form of physical violence or bullying is strictly prohibited.
  • Physical contact:  Learners are required to observe a “six-inch rule” of no physical contact with other learners. This particularly applies to teenagers of the opposite sex.  NO HUGGING or HOLDING HANDS are allowed on school property or while in school clothing.


  • The complete school uniform must be worn at all times; when learners are on the school property, travelling to and from the school, anywhere in public and attending special school functions.
  • Blazers are to be worn to and from school and during assemblies in the winter – summer optional
  • Learners are to maintain a neat and tidy appearance at all times.
  • Boys’ hairstyles are to be neat, clean, and conservative, off the collar and ears and off the face – if in doubt, ask beforehand!  (Short back and sides and NO other contemporary styles.)
  • Girls’ hair must be neat, clean, off the face and the hairstyle conservative – if in doubt, ask beforehand!  Hair that is shoulder-length and longer must be tied back.
  • Tinting to any unnatural color, or highlighting, is not allowed.
  • Alice bands, elastics, ribbons, clips etc. must be white, navy blue or black.
  • No jewellery of any kind, including rings, bracelets or chains, may be worn. Girls with pierced ears may wear one stud or sleeper in the lobe of each ear. Boys are not allowed any form of ear piercing. A normal wrist watch may be worn.
  • Cosmetics: The wearing of make-up, nail polish (including transparent) is unacceptable.
  • Nails to be clean and short i.e. nails should not be seen over the tops of the fingers when viewed from the palm side.
  • Personal hygiene is to be of a high standard.
  • Boys are to be clean-shaven – no beards, side whiskers or moustaches are permitted.
  • Civvies: From time to time we allow learners to wear civvies. Learners are to dress conservatively (i.e. no tight fitting clothing or t-shirts, no midriffs showing, no mini skirts/dresses, etc.).

Interaction With Adults on School Property

  • Learners should make a point of greeting, appropriately, staff and adult visitors to the school; particularly first thing in the morning and last thing in the afternoon.
  • When addressing adults, learners should stand up straight and speak clearly. They should avoid backchat, slouching and behavior like having hands in pockets.
  • When a pupil sitting and an adult passes, he/she should rise and greet such an adult.
  • Behavior is even more important on occasions when pupils assemble as a group; there should be silence during assembly; and especially when a speaker is addressing the school.
  • If learners know a person’s name, they should use it, together with the appropriate prefix (Dr, Mr., Mrs. or Miss), e.g. “Good Morning, Mr. Smith”; “Good Afternoon, Mrs. Jones”.
  • In cases where they do not know the person’s name, learners are to address male adults as “Sir” (e.g. “Good morning, Sir) and female adults as “Ma’am” (e.g. “Good Afternoon, Ma’am”).
  • Learners are expected to look for an opportunity to offer assistance to visitors and not wait to be asked.

Learning Centre Rules


  • A learner is not permitted to communicate with others or be out of his office without permission.
  • He should not turn around in the office or tip back in his chair.
  • Activities not related to the prescribed material are not to be conducted in an office unless privileges have been earned.
  • The Christian flag should be raised for supervisor guidance in academic matters. The South African flag is to be raised for monitor assistance in non-academic activities (restroom breaks, sharpening pencil, etc.). Personal questions should be asked at break time.
  • Chewing gum is not allowed anywhere in the school.

Student Offices:

  • Offices are assigned and changed only by the supervisor, and they must be cared for by the learner.
  • Anything to be placed in the office must be approved by the supervisor.
  • Learners are not to lean against or sit on office or divider.
  • The Goal Chart is to be kept up to date; use blue pen in setting goals.
  • No marks are to be made on Progress Card by the learner.


  • PACEs are not to leave the school unless they have been signed out for homework purposes.
  • PACEs are private property and are not to be shared among learners.
  • After a PACE is complete and the learner has reviewed it, it is handed in. The learner waits until the next morning before receiving the Test; he will wait an additional night before receiving the results and a new PACE in that subject.
  • Work in PACEs is done in pencil.
  • Calculators are not permitted in the Learning Centre except at the supervisor’s discretion and after Math PACE 1075.

Goal Chart:

  • The learner should keep his Goal Chart posted on his bulletin board. He should set the exact page numbers of the work for that day. He should cross off daily goals when they have been scored and corrected.
  • A blue pen must be used for this.

Congratulations Slips:

  • Congratulations Slips will be issued weekly, recording the PACEs successfully completed in that week. Learners are to take them home to parents the day they are received.

Scoring Station:

  • Score Keys are to be handled carefully.
  • Mark a red “X” beside each wrong answer in the left-hand margin. Put a red “X” in the first box of the score strip.
  • Use only a red pen supplied at scoring table (red pens are never kept at the learner’s office). Pencils may not be brought to the Scoring Station.
  • Score Key answers are for scoring work only and are not be memorized for correcting wrong answers.
  • Correct wrong answers in pencil at office.
  • Put an “X” in pencil in the second box of the strip when you have corrected all errors.
  • Rescore – circle each red “X” when answers are corrected and put a red “X” in the third box of the score strip.
  • Circle in red each PACE page number when all answers are correct on the page.
  • Replace pen in holder.
  • Replace Score Key in proper place.

Testing Table:

  • After the PACE is completed, scored, reviewed and handed in, the Test is issued the next morning. Tests are administered at the Testing Room Table.   The learner comes to the Testing Room Table with 2 sharp pencils, an eraser and a ruler.
  • Students, who score 80% or higher in a PACE Test, are issued a new consecutive PACE.   PACE Test scored below 80% PACES  must be repeated.

Important:  In the case of Word Building the pass mark is 90% or higher.

Classical classroom teaching is also undertaken. The normal standards as required by the Educational Department will be applied. Details are printed on the report card.

Code of Conduct

Pledge of the Teacher:   I promise to be professional and committed in my approach and attitude by:   

  • Welcoming each child to my classroom
  • Teaching with enthusiasm and dedication
  • Preparing meaningful “material”
  • Setting and maintaining high scholastic standards
  • Being punctual in attendance and in my tasks
  • Always keeping parents informed of their child’s welfare and progress
  • To be loyal to the school in all aspects

Pledge of the Parent:  I promise to be a partner and supporter in my child’s education development by:

  • Setting a worthy example
  • Disciplining, teaching and developing life’s skills and Biblical values
  • Ensuring the total adherence to school rules and values
  • Encouraging self respect and an enthusiastic attitude
  • Ensuring my child’s respect of his/her peers, school and community
  • To be loyal to the school on all aspects

Pledge of the Student:  I promise to use every opportunity to learn and to give others the same opportunity by:

  • Obeying all school rules and taking care of the facilities provided
  • Taking total responsibility for my actions both good and bad
  • Being loyal to my school, teachers and fellow pupils
  • Showing respect to those around me in the way I speak and behave
  • Being hard working and positive towards my schoolwork and homework
  • Not taking, damaging, or destroying anything belonging to someone else
  • Attending school regularly and punctually
  • Being an active, enthusiastic member of the school
  • Striving for excellence academically, culturally and in sport
  • To be loyal to the school in all aspects

Behaviour of Learners

The following codes for behavior are laid down by the school to inform learners how to behave in the school, to equip learners with the knowledge and the skills which are required from responsible citizens and to develop a culture of discipline amongst learners. This code is not aimed on punishment, but on positive discipline and to enhance constructive education.

  • must treat all staff members and their fellow learners with great respect
  • No “back-chatting” to educators will be allowed
  • If a learner is not satisfied with the treatment he/she receives, he/she should make an appointment to see the educator privately to discuss the matter
  • No fighting, swearing or bullying will be allowed
  • Forming or belonging to “gangs” will not be allowed
  • Dangerous objects such as knives, guns, etc. or the possession of it is not allowed
  • The use of alcohol, drugs, or smoking or the possession of it is not allowed
  • Disrupting a class or instigating other learners negatively is not allowed
  • Homework is part of learners daily responsibility and must be done regularly
  • Absence without a valuable reason and a letter from the parent is not allowed
  • Learners should behave in the same manner off the school ground as in the school.

Co-operation of Parents

It is not possible to run any Academy successfully without the co-operation of parents. Their input and support is vital and welcomed. Our Code of Conduct is based on the considerable experience of a number of quality schools together with the professional experience of long serving, dedicated teachers.

Towards this end, we respectfully suggest the following guidelines to parents:

  • Please attend as many Parents’ Days and Parents’ Meetings as possible. This will keep you up to date and enable you to participate in certain Academy matters and decisions.
  • Offer to volunteer for certain activities.  Your assistance will alleviate the load on teachers and involve you more directly.
  • Do not hesitate to contact the Principal for an appointment should you wish to discuss anything in the Code of Conduct or other matters concerning the Academy. Do not contact staff at home on Academy matters. They are entitled to privacy.
  • Make appointments with teachers at a time convenient to them either before lessons begin or immediately after the final period. Teachers may not receive visitors during class periods. If unable to keep an appointment, attempt to notify the teacher in good time.
  • Inform the Academy immediately of any change of address, telephone number, personal details or contacts, however temporary. The Academy may need to contact you urgently!
  • Inform the Academy of any trauma or emotional disturbance in your child’s life. Knowing a problem exists often helps to understand out-of-character behavior. Qualified staff members may be able to help.
  • If at any time you feel your child has been victimized or treated unjustly, contact the Principal immediately, to get all the facts. Do not vent your anger in public. This gives a wrong impression which is damaging to the Academy.   Try not to criticize or undermine a teacher in front of any student. This will result in a negative attitude and non-productivity. It is the student who suffers most, not the teacher. The matter, however trivial it may seem, must be brought to the Principal’s attention, investigated and dealt with in a dignified manner.
  • Check and sign homework diaries. If too little homework is given to your child, or he/she says often that there is no homework – check with the teacher.
  • Be conscientious about providing notes when your child is ill and a doctor’s certificate after an absence of more than three days. Remember that a note is also required if a test or examination is missed. Such dates are often written in homework diaries or printed out by the Academy.
  • Personal coaching of your child while taking part in sporting activities is not done.
  • If your child has natural skills for any specific sport activity, the school suggest that you speak to a recognize sports club in your area.

Important: Our goal is to encourage happy, enjoyable participation by pupils, involvement by parents and healthy competition. Winning is not the primary goal.


  • All disciplinary procedures are aimed at developing self-discipline and Christ-like behavior and attitudes in the learner. Both positive and negative incentives are useful and necessary in motivating learners.
  • Minor infringements will earn demerits. Three or more demerits in one day, or more serious infringements, will result in detention and loss of privileges.
  • Learners and Parents are informed of a detention by means of a Corrective Action Notice. Learners are required to take Corrective Action Notices home for their parents’ signature and to return them the following day.
  • The school’s disciplinary action for serious or repetitive offences is to require the learner to serve a Friday afternoon detention (in full school uniform).  For the Friday afternoon detention a charge will be levied against the learner.   Attendance of detention will not be negotiable as there is a need for fairness to all the learners. Parents will be expected to make appropriate arrangements to cater for the changed routine and impress on their child that their misconduct has caused inconvenience and expense.
  • Suspension will normally only be prescribed for moral offences which, at a Christian school, are seen in a serious light.  These include gross cheating, lying, bad language, willful or persistent disobedience, fighting, stealing, possession or use of drugs and alcohol, involvement in satanic or occult activities, and the like.

Important: This is not a corrective institution; consequently, we ask that a child not be enrolled with the idea that we will reform him.  We are here to work with the home, but not to take the place of parents who have experienced difficulty in fulfilling their roles.

  • The learner must at all times conduct himself in a manner becoming a Christian.  Griping is not tolerated!  If your child does come home complaining about a policy or discipline, please follow this procedure:
  • give the staff the benefit of the doubt.
  • realise that your child’s reporting is emotionally biased and may not include all the information.
  • realise that the school has reasons for all rules and that they are enforced without partiality.
  • call the school for all the facts.
  • When a child’s attitude is not in harmony with school policies or principles, the parents will be called for a conference. Parents will be asked to withdraw the child from the school if unacceptable attitudes persist.
  • High school learners in particular – because of their testimony before younger children – are trained to adhere to the school’s philosophy and Christ-centred programme. Such adherence includes abstinence from: smoking, use of alcoholic beverages, and use of narcotics, listening to rock music, disco dancing, swearing, sexual promiscuity and other questionable practices.

Disciplinary  Procedures

This process is necessary to protect the interest of learners, other parties concerned and the property of the school. The school will do their best to ensure that disciplinary steps be in accordance with the infringement and to be consistent.   Therefore the following measures will be taken:

For minor infringements:                                                      Verbal or written warnings

Detention during brakes

Suspension of privileges

Informing parents to assist in disciplinary action

For major infringements:

  • Behavior that put the safety of other people in danger:  No warning

Suspension for one week



  • Behavior that violate the rights of other people:              One warning

Suspension for a week



  • The possession of dangerous weapons:                                No warning

Suspension for one week



  • The possession of cigarettes:                                                    One warning

Suspension for one week



  • Fighting, assaulting, bullying, racism and victimizing:      One warning

Suspension for one week



  • Vandalizing school property or  property of Teachers and other learners:

No warning

                                                                                                                 Suspension for one week


  • Stealing or in the possession of stolen goods:                       No warning

Suspension for a week



  • Continuously breaking school rules:                                         One warning

Suspension for one week


  • Any kind of disrespect towards any staff member:              One warning

Suspension for one week


  • Sexual harassment of any kind, etc.:                                         No warning


  • Absentees without valuable reason and without a letter from a parent:      

One warning

Suspension for one week


Important: Accidental damage of school property: Parents will be held responsible to replace objects broken by their children. Parents will be billed for the replacement or reparation of such object.

Rewards and Privileges

The system of positive rewards and motivations includes the following:

  • Every time a learner has successfully completed a PACE a Star sticker is placed on his Progress Chart in his office.  A Bible sticker is awarded when a learner has successfully memorized the monthly Bible Memory passage
  • Congratulation Slips! are awarded on a weekly basis to all learners who have successfully completed one or more PACEs that week.  The PACE number and learner’s score is endorsed on the slip, which is taken home for the parents to see and add their support.
  • Merits are awarded for successfully completing PACEs, early memorisation of monthly Scripture, and for other good work or attitudes.  These can be traded at the office.
  • A.C.E. privileges:  is a system whereby the learner who fulfils certain responsibilities can earn different privilege levels.
  • There is an Annual Awards Evening: Awards are made in recognition of academic achievement, sporting achievement and, most importantly, Christian character.

Destiny Kidz Creche and Aftercare

Our Nursery School, Destiny Kidz is part of Destiny Christian Academy, which is an independent institution raised up by Fountain of Life Church for the training up of your children to have a deep respect and love for our Creator and His Word, and to learn all the skills needed to grow up.

“The Wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits …”.   We are called to lay a foundation in our children’s lives that will stand firm in every storm.   Paul said, “ The foundation …. Is Jesus Christ” .   We will seek to lay foundations in our children and a love-relationship  with Jesus; teach them to know who they are in Him, what they can do in Christ Jesus; bring them into a revelation that God’s Word is the final authority in their lives.

Application Procedures

Application forms are available from the School Office.   It must be filled in, handed in for approval by the Principal.   The same application forms are used as  with Grades 1 – 12.

Tuition Fees

Fees are payable on the 1st to 7th of every month.   Parents who wish to make payments into the account; we have credit card facilities available.    When making an EFT always include a reference name or the account number so we know for whom the fees were paid in.    Our Bank details are available at the office.

If monthly fee is still outstanding on the 7th of that month, your child will not be allowed to return.   See the Parent Information Pack for more details.

Important:  When sending cash with your child to school please put the money in an envelope with your child’s name written on it and seal the envelope.

Registration Fee

A registration fee must be made before admission for the purpose of mattresses, blankets, cups, etc., and is non-refundable.   See Parent Information Pack for more details.

Nursery School Hours: Monday to Friday  –  7:00am to 17:00pm

The same procedures for collecting children late will be followed as for the Grades 1-12 students.

Meals: Mid morning snack and juice is given between 9:00am-10:00am,

Cooked lunch and juice,

Mid-afternoon snack and juice, tea, milo or other at­­­16:30pm.

Discipline: Same as in the Parent Information Pack

Toys: Children may NOT bring their own toys to Aftercare during school terms.   However, during school holidays they may do so with the consent of the teacher.

Important:  The school is not responsible for any breakages or loss.   Toys of satanic, evil or dangerous nature will not be allowed.

Clothes: Every child must have a change of clothes in their bags for emergencies.

Breakages: Whatever children break, the parents are responsible to refund the school for damage caused.

Notice: Notice must be given one month in advance in writing on the first working day of the month

Arrival and Collecting: Children are not to be left at the gate in the mornings but must be taken to and fetched from the classroom.   Teachers are not responsible outside of these times.   Lift clubs are not the responsibility of the teachers.

Medicine and Absentees: The Nursery School must be notified when your child will not be at school OR if on any medication.   The medicine must be clearly marked with your child’s name on it and must be handed to the teacher in her hand by an adult.


Please inform the school when your child is absent, sick, or on leave.   For any contagious disease there must be a doctor’s certificate to verify that the child may return to school.   Please do not send us a sick child.

We are not permitted to administer medication without a MEDICATION NOTE that was COMPLETED and signed by YOU.     MEDICINE NOTES are available from the class teacher.

Parents are also welcome to visit the school at any time.   Children are to be collected by parents inside the premises and say good-bye to the teacher so we know the child has gone home safely.

When another person is to collect your child please inform the office of this in writing as we cannot hand children over otherwise for their safety’s sake.

Injuries: Children will try new things and as such accidents can happen.   Although every precaution will be taken to ensure your child’s safety, the staff and management cannot be held responsible for injuries on our premises.

Language: Foul language or unchristian principles will not be allowed  and could lead to suspension of a child.

Clothes: All clothing must be clearly marked.

  • Please check your child’s bag before leaving the school in the afternoon.
  • A clean set of clothing must be in the bag that is brought to school each day.
  • A plastic bag for dirty clothes must be in the bag.

Change of Address:

Important: Kindly notify us immediately of any change of address, work address or phone numbers.


Each child has to re-apply for enrolment each year.   To avoid unnecessary problems we urge all parents to abide by the rules regulations.   However, if you do have any problems please feel free to discuss them with us.

Important: Notice must be given in writing one month in advance on the first working day of the month. Educational material already purchased by the school on behalf of the pupil will be charged for.


The Aftercare is a facility created by Destiny Christian Academy only for children in our Pre-School and School whose parents work and need full day care.   Aftercare is not a babysitting facility.   All the school rules in the Parent Information Pack apply for aftercare.


Hours:                                    Monday to Friday  –  7:00am – 19:00pm

Aftercare Provides:            Cooked lunch and juice

Mid-afternoon snack and juice ­­­16:30pm

Supervision for children with homework


During School Holidays:   Early morning tea/Milo – 7:30am

Mid-morning snack and juice  – 10:00am

Cooked lunch and juice  – 13:00pm

Mid-afternoon snack and juice/ tea/ Milo  –  16:30pm  ­­­


Important: Parents must notify staff that they are taking the children home or when they send a substitute person.   For safety purpose children will not be handed over to substitutes without notification or authorization from parents.


Application Procedures: The same application form and Parent Information applies.

Toys:  Children may not bring their own toys to Aftercare during school terms.   However, during school holidays they may do so with the consent of the teacher.   Aftercare is not responsible for any breakages or loss. Toys of a satanic or evil nature will not be allowed.

Clothes: School children going to Aftercare must bring a change of clothes to school as they are not allowed to play in their uniforms.

Re-Application: Each child has to re-apply for enrolment each year.  To avoid unnecessary problems we urge all parents to abide by the rules and regulations.   However, if you do have any problems please feel free to discuss them with us.

NOTICE must be given in writing one month in advance on the first working day of the month.


Fees are payable on the 1st to 7th of every month. Parents who wish to make payments into the account; we have credit card facilities available. When making an EFT always include a reference name or the account number so we know for whom the fees were paid in. Our Bank details are available at the office.

If monthly fee is still outstanding on the 7th of that month, your child will not be allowed to return.   See the Parent Information Pack for more details.

Important: When sending Cash with your child to school please put the money in an sealed envelope with account name written on it. CREDIT CARD facilities are available.

Homework and Language

Every child will receive a homework book to communicate from parent to teacher or vice versa.   Please make sure you check his/her homework book and that your child brings it to school every day.   If the homework book is lost, the school will replace it and charge is to the parents.   Foul language or unchristian principles will not be allowed and could lead to suspension of a child by the Principal with the backing of the Directors.


Numerous students from various institutions report that they have been invited to join the Fellowship of the Golden Key, a prestigious group of top achievers, others have been placed on the dean’s list of achievers. What makes these students so successful? Without fail students agree that the life skill of being able to set goals and achieve them, a vital component of the ACE system, has contributed to their ability to master their studies. Character training and moral fibre has also enabled students to stand firm amidst the challenges that university life presents.

Destiny Christian Academy

One female student currently in her third year of medical studies at the University of Pretoria, has an interesting story to tell. She has never been required to write an end of year examination by of the fact that her marks have been of such a high standard that she has gained exemption from writing end year exams for three years running.

Former Student

One of our former students is currently a Air Traffic Controller at one of our International Airports.

Destiny Christian Academy